Responsibility is not passed onward by telling people to meet the deadline nor does it pass well through payment or other methods.

The project manager needs to plan, but then when it comes down to execution, they should delegate the responsibility of meeting the deadlines to the team. By taking that on, the project manager also take on all the responsibility for success or failure of the project. This is the wrong approach to managing construction projects and even management in general. It's often a mistake to think that the project manager's job is to plan and execute the plan by making sure everyone knows what they need to do and when. The solution to keeping everyone on task and on time The "bad" way: telling people what to do The plan scales for any size project: You can connect multiple plans together to get the bigger picture on execution vs planning across many areas.No need for complex reporting tools: the tool you use will look better than your report.Clear ownership: Issues, delays, and progress are synced with project managers, contractors, sub-contractors, and customers.Clear dates - Everyone gets a real-time view of the state of things, using mobile and desktop.Clear status: Everyone understand who is dependant on them and why they need to be on time.Share a simple plan with the team: what is going to be done, when it is going to be done, and most importantly, who's in charge of what. People must understand what plan delay means - not just for them, but for the whole project. Everyone should know the bigger plan, exact dates and the meaning of delay. They key for the success of the project is alignment between all the people involved.

They build the wrong things at the wrong time often of subpar quality. It’s often that project owners give the wrong incentives and payment to contractors. How do they communicate? Do they know what the plan is? Does each person know that their work or deadline is super important for others to start? While planning, budgeting, time and cost are super important for any contractor, by far the most important thing to ensure the success of any project is the people. People are the most important part of any construction project. The key problem with construction projects